Saturday, 31 March 2012

Imaging Hope

Philippine Human Rights Defenders Bring Concerns to Canada: Cross-Country Tour: March 27 - April 16, 2012

"Imaging Hope" is the phrase that comes to me as I reflect on the stories I heard from 
Dr. Merry Mia-Clamor and Ms. Angelina Bisuña Ipong, two former political prisoners who were subjected to torture, sexual harassment and physical abuse while incarcerated in the Philippines.  Dr. Mia-Clamor and Ms. Ipong, along with Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza, shared their experiences of desolation and hope with us at Emmanuel College Chapel in Toronto on March 29, 2012.  They will be sharing their stories across Canada from March 27 to April 16 this year.  

Here is a detailed information about the speakers from KAIROS Canada - .

A Red Rose for Andrea: Writings from Prison is a book Ms. Angelina Bisuña Ipong wrote with Mars Marata and other political prisoners to inform the outside world of the situations in the Philippines.  Angelina dedicates the book to "her daughter Andrea and to all the sons and daughters of political prisoners."  You can contact KAIROS Canada to order a copy of the book.  Purchasing the book would help support the political prisoners in the Philippines. 

Angelina Bisuña Ipong now works as Coordinator of the Samahan ng mga Ex-Detainee Laban sa Detensyon at Aresto (Association of Ex-Detainees Against Detention and Arrest) and former political detainee.

Dr. Ligaya Lindio-McGovern, professor of Sociology in Indiana University in the USA, wrote the following in the forward:

     "The number of documented victims of extrajudicial killings is much higher than the number of political prisoners:
      350 political prisoners over more than a thousand extrajudicial killings [in the Philippines in the last 10 years]."

It will take a while for me to process and to reflect on the stories the three courageous people from the Philippines.  

"I will not deny Thee."  Words on the banner in the chapel pierced my heart as I was listening and capturing the images of the three courageous disciples of Jesus of Nazareth.  I was reminded of the image of the Crucified Woman as I looking at the faces of so many young women imprisoned, disappeared, and murdered in the  Philippines.  I share the images of sunflowers to reflect hope expressed through Angelina's poem in her book. 

What did I hear?
How did I hear?
What do I do with the stories?
How do I make them part of my life and ministry?
What are the challenges and opportunities for me as I engage with those stories?
How do I express my commitment to walk in solidarity with those who are suffering  as they struggle for justice in the Philippines and in other parts of the Global Village?
What did I miss?
How would I ever know what I missed hearing, seeing, and connecting?

I would like to invite you to walk with those questions as we walk toward Jerusalem with Jesus of Nazareth in this liturgical season.

Here are the images of the speakers whose words and gestures embody and enliven hope, compassion, justice, and the liberating breath of God.

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